How to Quiet your Inner Critic

I don’t know about you, but I find that some times, especially when I’m stressed out, the inner critic loves to come out and share her/his opinions on all I could have done to not get to this point. Has this ever happened to you?

I feel blessed to know and practice techniques to keep this annoying inner critic from getting out of control. If you are familiar with that voice, you’ll agree with me. It can get out of control rather quickly.

In my practice, I get to work with so many beautiful, intelligent and creative people who allow this annoying voice to take over. The problem with allowing the inner critic to take over, is that it usually gives us such a beating that we end up metaphorically curled up in a corner, feeling completely un equipped to handle life.

Today, I’d like to share some of my tricks to keep the inner critic under control.

#1- I catch it talking to me. It’s easy to catch it. It’s never positive. It is always critic
#2- I ask: So what if it’s not perfect? Will the imperfection of my actions determine the faith of the world? (Most likely not)
The Inner Critic doesn’t like to be criticized. (Ironic eh?)

You are cordially invited to join me in practicing the following:

1- show some compassion to yourself. Would you expect the same from your best friend as you expect of yourself?
2-Learn to motivate yourself with praise and love – not criticism
3- Speak to yourself as you would speak to you best friend.
4-Give yourself a mental or a real hug. Yes, you read this right. When was the last time you hugged yourself?
5-Of course you know I’ll mention hypnosis and visualization. Practice visualization, even if just for a few minutes every day. Imagine yourself living a peaceful and beautiful life.

When you do this regularly, you will start to notice what I noticed. Love and self-compassion can shift even the strongest negative thoughts and emotions. Love and self compassion will allow you to enjoy more of your life.

So go out there and start practicing. This is your life. Make it what you want!