4 Ways to Boost your Confidence

Healthy Confidence requires regular doses of “ confidence boosters”. Making the most of our mind the mind – body connection, I suggest the following exercises to my clients.
Tony Robbins practices an interesting mind-body exercise to get himself on the right track before doing a presentation. As crazy as it sounds, it works.
#1 Shake out your body, clench your hands like claws, and rock back and forth, breathing in and out quickly.
#2 Stop moving, then shake out your body again.
#3Now clap, shout the word “Yes!” five times.

Strike a Pose

NLP or Neuro Linguistics Programming Practitioners emphasize the importance of a straight posture to re-calibrate the mental state. In other words, if you’re feeling a bit down in energy and not too good about yourself, take a deep breath, straighten up yourself and hold your head high, looking towards the line where the wall and the ceiling meet.
Hold that pose for 1 minute while remembering the last time you had a good laugh and breath. Your state of mind will change.

Deep breathing

Practicing Deep breathing exercises through the day help promote mindfulness and self-acceptance. 5 “big belly breaths” 3 times a day will create a noticeable difference.

Break a sweat

The more endorphins in your body, the better your mood. Science has already proved that exercise enhances your mood—but did you know that a 20-minute workout can sharpen your state of mind for up to 12 hours?

Remember, the mind-body connection is real. Use it to your advantage. Practice this 4 techniques or pick one and practice it every day. You will love the results!

Karinna Najera