All posts by focus

Change Begins withing Us – Video

I think the massege in this video is so brilliant, I had to share it. I invite you to watch it, comment and share it. No matter how out of control things may appear to be, no matter how what estate the world may be in, WE ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE. CHANGE BEGINS WITHIN US ! – Karinna

Metaphor Work with Butterflies

Butterflies are not only beautiful to look at, they are also great subjects for metaphoric work. They inspire and represent change and re birthd. As a Clinical Hypnotherapist I use a lot of metaphors in my work. The subconcious mind loves to work with images. I believe there is power in metaphors and stories. They allow the person to absorb as much as they are ready and shift at their own pace.

Today I share 2 or my favourite butterfly metaphors with you.

With Love,

Karinna Najera



A Year to Live…

Back in 1960, a man named Anthony Burgess was diagnosed with a brain tumour. He was given one year to live. Faced with the inevitable existential questions, Burgess asked himself: What have I always wanted to do, but have never tried? What else can I do to help my with my wife’s future?
Burgess had always had a burning desire to write novels. Filled with self doubt,all his life, he had told himself “I’ll do it later, when I’m older”. But now, the concept of “later” had changed. If he gave himself the chance to write, there could also be another potential benefit. If published, his wife would get royalties from that novel after he passed away.

Now, more than ever, Burgess felt a burning need to write. With no certainly that he would ever be published, he put paper on the typewriter and began to write. He wrote and wrote and wrote.

He wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote. A year went by and Burgess did not die. Cancer had gone into remission and the tumour disappeared. In one year, he managed to finish five and a half novels.

In his long life as a novelist, he wrote more than 70 books Without a “death sentence” he may have never written at all.

So many of us, like Anthony Burgess carry greatness inside. We carry untapped potential, always waiting for someone or something to bring it out.

If you had just a year to live, how would you live it? What would you change? What great potential in you is waiting to be untapped? What will you do today to unleash that beautiful gift ?

I invite you to look at the fall Programs.

Your partner in growth,

Karinna Najera

Angels and Spiritual Guides Workshop

I invite you to register for this workshop and experience something divine.
It only takes a short to establish contact with your Angelic Guides. See how adding this assistants to your life can change your life for the better.
That’s exactly what Angel and spiritual guides do for us. They shed light on
the path ahead so we may see more clearly. They also provide counsel, unconditional love and assistance in manifesting .

This workshop is more than an introduction.
You will learn about and establishing a more clear connection with your spiritual guides or angels.
Energy Clearing Exercises for mind/body/spirit balance.
Become acquainted with the Angelic and Spiritual Realm.
Through meditation, Visualization and breath work, participants will begin to feel energetic connection and readiness to receive divine guidance.
Open up to receive.

Date: Aug. 9th
Time: 10:00-1:00
Fee: 50.00 Bring a friend and get 10.00 off
Deadline for registration is Aug. 7th
To register, call 613 800 8558 or email

Limitations Are Only in the Mind – Video

I came a cross this wonderful video while researching material on to Mental Limitations. This short video is perfect. Tim is inspirational. His life is a clear reminder that limitations in creation are all in our mind, literally. Tim is a young man who lives life to the fullest. He actively creates his own reality every morning as he wakes up with the right attitude.

Enjoy the video and spread the word. We need more of these videos circulating the net.

Is Walking Good for Anxiety?

All anxiety disorders are different, just like you are different from other anxiety sufferers. The Good News, is that Anxiety is treatable, providing you commit to a solution and system that works for you. It’s been proven over and over again, that people who suffer from anxiety benefit greatly by engaging in physical activity every day.

No method is 100% perfect. But one amazing thing about anxiety is that it can be reduced and then leveraged by things you never thought would work. As a Clinical Hypnotherapist specializing in anxiety disorders I emphasize to my clients, the importance of physical activity. Simply walking around may be what you need to get natural anxiety relief.

There is a correlation between movement and anxiety. People that don’t burn off enough energy are more prone to suffering from anxiety symptoms.
The mind/body connection is REAL. Lack of physical activity causes a considerable amount of unused energy. Your mind figures a way to let the unused energy out and anxiety may be the result.
The more you walk and move, the more your body creates carbon dioxide naturally. The more balanced your oxygen and carbon monoxide levels in your body, the easier and more efficient your breathing becomes.
One more added benefit to walking is the distraction factor. Your mind is less likely to ruminate on the same anxiety provoking thoughts when you’re distracted by what you see during your walk.

So there you have it, walking every day will help your anxiety levels decrease. Walking benefits your mind and body. It’s been scientifically proven.
For more information on the benefits of walking for anxiety sufferers, visit the Journal of Anxiety Dissorders and the Journal of Affective Dissorders.
Every step counts on in your journey to health, peace of mind and happiness.

Your partner in health,
Karinna Najera

What I do when I feel Fear

As another season gently descends upon us I am reminded of the many things I haven’t had the courage to do yet. A mixture of frustration and impatience with myself begin to grow.
But when I remember to take a deep breath and ask: What can I do to move forward?
My subconscious reminds me that when I listen to this video about Fear and Courage, I am able to re structure my mental state.
The man in the video is Brendon Burchard, a motivational speaker and trainer. I’m happy to share I’ve taken a couple of his trainings. I’ve learned and grown from his wisdom and message.
I hope you watch this video and you get the same level of inspiration and mental shift I get from it.
Fear and Courage are all in our mind. It is all about perspective. We are capable of shifting out perspectives at any given moment. We are capable of tapping into our subconscious wisdom any time.
If the topic of fear and courage is relevant to you, I invite you to remember, the answers are just a few steps away.

Your partner in change,

Karinna Najera

Emotionally Healthy People Do These

Emotionally Healthy people share undeniable characteristics. I’ve written a list of 7 common characteristics I get to witness in my practice and life.

I invite you to read the list and find the common denominator.

#1 They understand that Happiness is a Choice. The emotionally healthy, understand the power their brains have over both the mind and body. They understand that emotions are reactions to the way we perceive a situation or a person.

#2 They are comfortable saying ‘”NO”. They have clearly defined boundaries and understand their needs and limitations. Emotionally strong people say no, when necessary. They understand the importance of doing more of what they enjoy/need to do, and less of what they don’t.

#3 They know how to pace themselves. They listen to their body and slow down when necessary. They are also able to speed up and focus their energy when needed.

#4 They have a strong mind-body connection. They listen and trust their inner voice.

#5 They are selective with who they let into their lives. They understand that those we surround ourselves with will influence us. Emotionally strong people invite more positive friends, acquaintances into their lives.

#6 They are happy to be themselves. Emotionally strong people are happy to be who they are. The know, they matter in the world. They do their own thing because they understand it is important.

#7 Emotionally Healthy People are usually kind and giving. They give back to the community in their own way. They are kind to others in the small or large scale, because when you are emotionally strong, you feel good about yourself and you want to spread the good. That’s just the way it works.

Notice one thing…all of these attributes can be cultivated. They are not faith. They are not luck. They are choices we make. We do have control over how we choose to live our lives and how we choose to focus our energy.

Let’s go out there and become an emotionally healthier person !

Become More Confident -Really !

Scientist continue to find verifyable ways in which our minds affect our bodies and vice versa. Amy Coddy, Harvard Professor is helping this information go mainstream. If you know you could use a boost in the confidence side of things, I invite you to watch this video, PRACTICE THE POSES, and spread the word.

Your mind truly has inmense power. Tap into it.