Anxiety Treatment

Is anxiety preventing you from living a full life?

Anxiety is the body’s natural response to perceived danger. However if the feelings of anxiety and worry are constant and overwhelming, they can interfere with your daily activities and relationships. Although some people experience anxiety or panic attacks, not everyone living with an anxiety disorder does.

Anxiety disorders look very different from person to person.  What follows are the most common signs of anxiety:

  • Feelings of doom or dread
  • Unexpected and or recurrent panic attacks     
  • Feeling tense and jumpy
  • Feeling overly concerned about the future
  • Feeling overly concerned about what others may think of you
  • Rushes of fear that seem to happen out of the blue
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Pounding heart
  • Sweating
  • Stomach upset or dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tremours and twitches

How can Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy help you overcome anxiety?

My approach to treating anxiety has 2 components: uncovering the root cause and treating the symptoms.  The first treatment component used to uncover the cause of the feelings of anxiety, is a combination of effective Psychotherapy / Counselling techniques. This aids in exploring and re-framing past experiences and negative thoughts that fuel anxiety. The second component in our approach is addressing the symptoms. Lastly, if the client wishes Self-hypnosis techniques to reduce anxiety symptoms can be taught. We can also focus our work on a combination of mindfulness and cognitive skills to control anxious thoughts and worries.

Please NOTE: Hypnotherapy alone is NOT an effective way to change severe anxiety symptoms or causes. I only use it in combination with Traditional Psychotherapy work.

Changing anxious thoughts and feelings takes time. I suggest a minimum of 10 sessions to create change.

As with all our Services, our Anxiety Management Program reflects our Client Centered Approach. Each client is considered unique and each session is tailored to ensure the best possible results.  

Call today and find out how we can help. 613-800-8558 Karinna Web-Signature