Confidence and Self Esteem

Did you know that your own self-confidence is more important to your success and happiness than your looks, your education, your intelligence or your relationships?

Most people don’t understand that self confidence is just a feeling that comes from a picture you have of yourself in your mind – not how you actually look – just a picture.

Feelings of confidence can also come from voices you have inside your head. We all have pictures and voices in our heads that direct the feelings in our bodies. I believe that those images and ideas come from our past experiences and our “conditioning” as children.

Our combination of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Hypnotherapy Services for Stronger Self Confidence can help you shift the picture of yourself in your mind, soften the negative voices in your head and build positive feelings in your body.

Most limiting beliefs are formed in childhood, but later life experiences can also affect the way we see ourselves and the world around us. These ideas are rooted deep in your unconscious, so deep you probably are not even aware of them.

Self-esteem means regarding yourself as valuable and deserving, treating yourself with respect, and feeling good about yourself. People with high self esteem have the ability to bounce back from adversity and overcome setbacks in pursuit of their goals. Self love is a hallmark of emotional health.

Our  effective approach  can create positive changes in your perception of self-worth and self-acceptance.

PLEASE NOTE: Hypnotherapy is always used in combination with Traditional Psychotherapy Techniques.

For more information email or call 613 800 8558.

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