5 Beliefs preventing you from being Happier

Our beliefs make us who we are. Our beliefs determine the choices we make. Some times, those beliefs, far from leading us into happiness, bring us pain and trouble.

Today I’m listing a number of commonly held beliefs preventing people from being happier. The goal of this article is to ignite a conversation, a conversation leading towards growth. Do you agree, disagree, identify or disqualify any of the following:

Belief 1: I need other people’s approval to be happy.
Belief 2: I will be happy when I have…
Belief 3: Everything needs to be perfect, for me to be happy.
Belief 4: I can’t be happy because of what’s happened in the past.
Belief 5: Happiness depends on faith or luck.

Our beliefs can bring us happiness or sorrow. What beliefs do you think you need to change to be happier?

I’ve purposely listed but not discussed these believes because I want to hear from you. I want you, as a reader to tell me if you’d benefit from an article exploring each one of those believes and ideas on how to change them.

Every time I write an article/newsletter, I get emails and feedback from many of the readers. I love hearing back from you. Today I’m asking you all to share your views, share your feedback on my facebook page. (click here) .
Let me know if there a particular belief listed above you’d like for me to expand on.